September 30, 2004

Bush 'abused' science

Missouri Daily 9/29/04

Washington - US scientists, including 10 Nobel laureates, have launched a campaign in key US states to denounce the policies of President George W Bush.

The group, Scientists and Engineers for Change, was created at the beginning of the week, said its spokesperson, Joy Howell.

The 25 members of the organisation has scheduled a series of conferences, during which they will try to convince their audiences that the Bush administration has abused science, Howell said.

The scientists will speak in states including Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oregon, Virginia and Wisconsin, where Bush could be beaten by Democratic rival John Kerry.

"This administration's politicisation and misuse of science have made it increasingly difficult for science to play its rightful role in public policy-making," the group said on its website,

Posted by jmellicant at September 30, 2004 05:24 PM